Business, Marketing

Bring Joy to Your Content Planning with Amanda Warfield

If you’re anything like me, you understand that as a small business owner having a content planning strategy is KEY. It’s like having a magical map that guides you through the year, sprinkling pixie dust and reviving your creativity.

In this blog post, I’m thrilled to share my experience with Amanda Warfield’s content planning tools. From the “Chasing Simple Marketing Book” to the “Command Center Trello Template,” these resources have brought joy and magic to my content strategy, helping me plan out my quarters and year like never before.

Now before we dive into the that, here’s a little backstory on Amanda and I.

When a Bulldog Met a Gamecock

Meeting Amanda was like discovering a kindred spirit in the vast realm of the internet. We initially crossed paths in the world of online communities. We finally got the chance to meet in person at the Rest Conference in 2021.

As fellow Disney enthusiasts, we bonded over Disney and all the things cat related. Amanda’s instragm thread with me is full of cat reels…LOL! Our connection deepened further when we revealed our SEC allegiances. Amanda’s heart belongs to the University of South Carolina Gamecocks, while I proudly cheer for the University of Georgia Bulldogs.

Even though we might find ourselves on opposite sides of the field during football season, our shared love for all things Disney, SEC, and cats keeps our friendship strong and spirited. Amanda’s passion for content creation has revitalized my marketing and I’m forever grateful for the magic she’s brought into my business and life.

Now let’s get to why you are reading this post ⬇️

Chasing Simple Marketing Book

Let’s kick off this journey with the Chasing Simple Marketing book. It’s the book every small business owner needs in their content arsenal. Amanda’s book blends the realms of magic and strategy. It’s like discovering a hidden treasure chest filled with gems of wisdom on marketing and content planning. As I flipped through its pages, I felt the joy of unraveling secrets that would shape my content for the year. My favorite chapter is 8: Foundation Builder Phase!

Chasing Simple Content Planner

Picture this: a content planner that guides you through each season of the year. That’s precisely what the Chasing Simple Content Planner feels like. It’s not just a planner; it’s an content journey. With sections for each quarter, you’ll find yourself revitalized and brimming with ideas. It’s like flipping through a spellbook filled with the promise of extraordinary content.

A Year of Content Prompts

Every small business owner knows the struggle of the occasional creative drought. That’s where A Year of Content Prompts sprinkles its pixie dust. These prompts are like little sparks of inspiration that bring your content to life. Whether you’re working on blog posts, social media, or emails, these prompts are a full of ideas. They’ve certainly added a touch of magic to my content creation process.

Command Center Trello Template

Imagine having a command center where you can organize all your content planning efforts effortlessly. Amanda’s Command Center Trello Template is precisely that—a place where magic happens. Now I recently switched to Asana and brought this board right on over with me! This template has revitalized my organization and made managing content a breeze.

Bringing It All Together

As creatives and small business owners, we often seek tools that not only simplify our work but also infuse it with joy and magic. Amanda’s content planning tools have done just that for me!

They have taken my content planning to new heights, allowing me to approach each quarter with fresh energy and excitement. Transforming the way I strategize, giving me the freedom to focus on what I truly love—revitalizing websites and workflows for my clients.

So, whether you’re seasoned or just now embarking on your content journey, consider checking out Amanda’s shop of content planning magic.

Here’s to a year filled with enchanting content and a touch of pixie dust in every word!

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