Showit, Templates, Website Design

‘Coming Soon’ Page – Free Showit Template

Are you looking to update or DIY your Showit website? Having a COMING SOON page is a great addition to your Showit website.

What is a COMING SOON page?

A coming soon page is a placeholder for a soon-to-be site. It allows you to interact and engage with visitors until your site is up and running. 

What goes on a COMING SOON page?

Your coming soon page should have a great picture of yourself, a blurb about how you’re updating your website, contact information, opt-in button, and social media icons.

Benefits of a COMING SOON page?

  • Tells visitors who you are, what you do, and lets them know that you want to get in touch with them.
  • Builds your email list. You should engage with subscribers to grow excitement about your launch.
  • Allows you to take your time. Building a website can take much longer than anticipated. Visitors will likely not revisit a site that is blank or unfinished.

Great News!

I’ve created a Free Coming Soon Showit Template. The best thing about this template is that Showit allows for complete customization. You can easily add your images and brand elements to make it your own.

Want the template for yourself?


Be sure to share your unique design with me on social media! Follow me on Instagram 🙂

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